I was afraid my HP machine would reject the inks outright or the quality would be poor. Instead, after the equivalent of "harumph!" cleared by clicking OK, the machine accepted it and the quality of print is just as good if not better than the quality from the HP ink. Given the HP ink is over œ70 and this was under œ20, I'm delighted. In the photo, the bottom of the two is HP ink, the top the ink from Inkredible. While they are two different photos taken from the same location within seconds of each other, you can see there's very little difference and, such as there is, puts the Inkredible ink ahead. This is on plain, A3 paper. DEFINITELY recommended, I'm only sorry I didn't find these guys earlier so I could have saved myself a fortune in inks!
Value for money
Sharon|06/10/2020 00:49
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Excellent product just as good as the manufacturer